
One of the most important things to consider when purchasing an electric bike is what type of electric bike motor and by type I am not talking about the brand or how much power, etc.  Instead, I am referring to where the motor is located.  Hub motors are located in the wheels of the electric bike, either in the front or rear wheel and mid-motors are located in the center of the bike, between the pedals. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to understand the differences between them before making a purchase.


This is a VERY important factor for me.  Where the motor is located is where the weight is located.  The motor is one of the heaviest parts being added to an electric bike and where that weight is located will greatly affect how you ride.

The hub-drive motor.  The weight of the bike motor is entirely in the front or rear wheel. The wheel without the motor will obviously be much lighter than the one without. As a result of the weight differences, the non-motor wheel is likely to be too light to get enough traction to keep you riding.

The mid-drive motor is centered on the frame, and the weight is equally dispersed. This equal distribution results in better traction between both tires.

How the bike handles. An electric bike with a hub-drive motor is balanced to the front or rear due to the weight not being evenly distributed. This can significantly impact handling because the bike is not balanced.  The mid-drive electric bike will handle much better because the weight of the motor will be centered on the frame. This balance is crucial when you are not on pavement, simply going into a dirt lot or sandy area you may experience a loss of traction and handling with the hub motor.

Imagine a full-suspension electric mountain bike with a mid-drive motor. The front and rear wheels can rebound quickly and efficiently because their mass is lower and the overall weight of the bike itself is connected to the main section of the frame making it feel fluid.

SUMMARY – Mid-drive motor = much better handling and traction


When you invest in an electric bike, you expect it to have the power and performance necessary to meet your needs.

Climbing is where mid-drive motors really shine. Unlike a hub motor, this design lives at or near the bottom bracket (the point where the crank arms attach through the frame for pedaling) and drives the chain forward instead of the wheel itself. Mid-drive systems benefit from many of the same mechanical drivetrain systems as the rider (the use of gears for climbing or going fast) and reduce unsprung weight. This is the optimal setup for efficiency (extending ride distance) and climbing.

Mid-drive motors tend to have a higher level of performance and a higher torque output. A mid-drive motor drives the crank, which will multiply the power output. A mid-drive takes advantage of the gears, which gives it more climbing power and makes it the ideal choice for riding up hills or back in the mountains.

A hub-drive motor operates independently of the gears and only applies torque to the wheel. As a result, a hub-drive bike has less power output and is less powerful and less efficient for hill-climbing.

SUMMARY – Mid-drive motor = much better power and ability to climb hills


Considerations when it comes to maintenance

Not maintenance on the motor, but the maintenance of your electric bike.  Mid-drive motors come out on top for easier and more convenient maintenance. Hub-drive electric bike maintenance is a little more time-consuming and difficult. It is especially true when you consider something easy like changing out a flat tire. With a hub-drive motor being wired into the wheel, it can be challenging to take off the wheel and swap it out in the event of a flat tire. On a mid-drive, you won’t have to worry about the motor, or any wiring, getting in the way. You take the wheel off, change the tire, and go.


Conclusion, hopefully not confusion.

The drive system you choose will impact the overall weight and weight distribution of your electric bike. It will provide more or less efficiency for riding fast, climbing, and navigating bumps in the road.  I always lean towards mid-drive motors because of their performance.  Even in an area with no hills or mountains, you will feel a big difference that will make you wish you had a mid-drive.

To check out some different mid-drive electric bikes look no further

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